What is Mental Control?

What is mental control… and why is it important?

“Everything you think or do – every action you take, or even
think of taking – starts in your mind as a very real physical
brainwave-driven thought!”
~~Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

It’s what’s happening in YOUR BRAIN that creates the outward actions leading to higher levels of achievement and success.

The only way to change your life your life is to change the way you think. And the BEST AND FASTEST WAY to permanently change how you think is to learn to control your thoughts at the source – your physical brain.

Read on to discover the amazing answer to how YOU can have the mind of a super-achiever … in only 90 days! Get it Now!

What is “Mental Control?”

Modern research has proven that almost everyone is capable of conscious control of their brainwaves … and thus control of their thoughts.

Some truly amazing things happen when you learn to control your brainwaves. YOU then have true conscious control over your thoughts … and can actually choose your desired mental state.

Rather than being controlled by your emotions, for example, you become fully capable of choosing the best emotional response for the situation.

Why Mind Control Works

Here are some facts you’ll want to be aware of in regard to mind control:


  • 1. Your thoughts have physical reality:
    Neuroscientists have now proven beyond a doubt that our thoughts have very real physical reality, and can be measured using scientific devices.BUT … did you know that the ability to think a specific thought requires the presence of the exact electrical signals (brainwaves) corresponding to that thought?
  • 2. Your brain is electric:
    You may be surprised to learn that your brain generates enough electrical power to light a flashlight bulb. That might not seem like much power … but maybe this will put it in perspective:A 5-watt light bulb won’t even light the inside of a refrigerator. But a focused 5-watt laser can easily burn right through the metal door of that same refrigerator. This provides a good comparison of the power of a focused high performance “no-limits” mind – versus the average unfocused mind.Your brain uses tiny electrical impulses called brainwaves to produce your mental environment and thoughts. Your mental environment, in turn, controls what you can (and simply cannot) achieve in your life!
  • 3. You can “select” what to experience:
    Although you may have heard of being in an “Alpha” or “Beta” brainwave state, actually there is no such thing as a pure brainwave state. Every mental state you experience is a combination of several different brainwaves. And each type of brainwave adds its own unique contribution to your mental experience.Certain brainwave combinations are found in the brains of super-achievers such as self-made millionaires, top artists and competitive athletes. These unique brainwave configurations are achievable … once you know how!
  • 4. The basic mind control challenge:
    If you wish to become a super-achiever your challenge is this: You must learn HOW to control and combine YOUR brainwaves to create the high performance no-limits mind power typical of such persons.
  • 5. The good news:
    Your combination of brainwaves creates your thought patterns and mental capabilities. Change your brainwaves … and you can supercharge how you think …and literally re-create your own mental potential!The great thing about your brainwaves is this: Over 40 years of scientific research and clinical experience has proven that you can change them. And once you do, you will be able to actually choose what mental state you wish to experience!

Think about that for a moment.

Imagine the excitement of consciously looking at a “problem” … and instead seeing an “opportunity.” And then having the discipline to actually go after that opportunity just like super-achievers do!

Such mental control makes you able to then consciously create such mental experiences as: Deep relaxation or meditation, very low stress, greatly increased creativity, crystal clear mental focus, enhanced memory, greatly increased productivity … and even higher

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